Annual Fund Campaign
Dear valued Trinity supporter,
Wow! It's hard to believe that almost a year has passed since I sat down to write you about the launch of the True Blue Annual Fund appeal. As you know, the True Blue Annual Fund is one of the essential fundraising campaigns financially supporting our fabulous school for the upcoming academic year.
At Trinity Catholic School, we believe in educating the whole child so that each student can shine to his or her God-given potential. Our mission is to provide students with a challenging academic environment that instills Catholic values and fosters a life of faith and servant leadership.
In an effort to provide an affordable Catholic education, we operate with a gap between tuition and the cost to educate each child. The gap is bridged by a contribution from you, our valued friend and supporter, to the True Blue Annual Fund.
True Blue Annual Fund gifts go directly to numerous school operations providing vital support for current needs, including core activities, with the benefit of a tax deduction for donors. Our goal is 100% participation by supporters, parents, alumni and faculty. Reaching a high level of participation is critical. So every dollar is a blessing!
We are blessed with strong programs, gifted educators, supportive parents, and committed stakeholders. Trinity Catholic School continues to be a school of opportunities and possibilities, as it has for 36 years. And we are incredibly thankful for your historic support and partnership.
Our goal for the appeal this year is $70,000, which is the same as for the past five years. Although operating expenses have increased, we are very mindful of maintaining expenses, and using your generous support dollars wisely. The True Blue Annual Fund drive helps with financial assistance critically needed to continue the now 36 year tradition of academic excellence and lifelong values provided to our students since 1986. Investing in a Catholic education is a wise investment that pays countless dividends!
And more good news, when you contribute to the True Blue Annual Fund before the end of the 2022 calendar year, there are three IRS provisions for individuals who take the standard deduction and for those who itemize their taxes, as well as corporate donations that are more advantageous! Your tax consultant can advise you of these changes in sections 2204 and 2205 for charitable deductions. So please write your check today and send it to Trinity Catholic School, 1205 South Albert Pike, Fort Smith, Arkansas, 72903. Or if using a credit card, contact our Business Manager, Cathy Armstrong, at 479-782-2451.
Challenges push us to better ourselves. Challenges ask us to reach for the stars and hopefully achieve our dreams. We have some big dreams for Trinity Catholic School and they begin with your help. We ask you to look into your hearts and accept the challenge to once again support the True Blue Annual Fund, and help us to meet or exceed our goal again. (If you prefer to give online, you may do so by clicking the Donate button on this page.)
God bless you from all of us!
Fr. John K. Antony