Tamales will be given out to those that ordered at 3:30 at the school entry. There may be extras if you want to purchase more.
9 months ago, Trinity School
Mrs. Owens is going to take another group of Trinity students to serve at the Salvation Army on April 28th from 3:30-6:45. See the link for details. Please only sign up if you are sure you can attend to ensure we have enough help. Thank you! April 28th 3:30-6:45. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050C48ACAF2DA1FE3-49119437-cook#/
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Click here for our April 15-19 newsletter! https://5il.co/2ihvp
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Don't forget to get your tamale orders in! See order form here: https://5il.co/2iej0
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Please click here for the Circle of Grace opt-out form. If you want to opt your child out of this safe environment program, please let Mrs. Rinke know by Wednesday, April 17th. https://5il.co/2iaud
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Soccer practice is cancelled for today due to weather. Students should be picked up at 1:10. Football is still going to stay and practice.
9 months ago, Trinity School
Dear Parents of Trinity 8th graders, The 8th grade formal is right around the corner, please see attached flyer with the information and please click on link below and fill out google form if your child WILL be attending the 8th grade formal and if you can help chaperone or clean up. There is information about how you can donate on the flyer! We would love for every 8th grader to attend.If you have any questions please reply back to this email or call me at 479-739-1663. https://forms.gle/kXZpRS3qm5xEPgd66 El formal de 8º grado está a la vuelta de la esquina, vea el folleto adjunto con la información y haga clic en el enlace a continuación y complete el formulario de Google si su hijo asistirá al formal de 8º grado y si puede ayudar a chaperón o limpiar. ¡Hay información sobre cómo puedes donar en el folleto! Nos encantaría que todos los estudiantes de 8º grado asistieran. por favor, busque en Google el formulario a más tardar el viernes 12 de abril https://forms.gle/cjpKAP3tRasx78Dr8
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Our Spanish speaking families are raising money for a family workshop to be held at Trinity. Please see this link for their tamale fundraiser. Orders due Thursday, April 11th. https://5il.co/2i7fc
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Trinity is hosting a tuition assistance/registration assistance night tonight from 4:00-6:15. We can help with Trinity registration, ACE applications, Learns applications and more. Please bring your 2023 tax documents to complete the forms. If you have questions call 479-782-2451 and please pass along the info to all that may be interested.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Click here for our April 8-12 newsletter! https://5il.co/2hz54
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Trinity will host registration/tuition assistance Tuesday April 9th from 4:00 - 6:15. If you need help with your ACE tuition assistance forms, FACTS forms or applying for LEARNS, please stop by. If you know of anyone that might be interested in attending Trinity next year, please encourage them to come Tuesday night to start the process of registration.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Monday April 8th, students and staff will be going outside to watch the eclipse. Staff and students will be given glasses to view everything safely. If you do not want your student to view the eclipse, please send a written note to the office by 8:00am Monday April 8th.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Soccer pictures tomorrow during study hall. Also since basketball season is completed the warmup/sweatpants are no longer approved to be worn on on spirit days. Uniform bottoms only.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
8th grade parents: Please check your email for information about the 8th grade formal. Thank you!
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Trinity families, please share and comment "shared" the most recent social media post regarding enrollment and your student will earn a free dress day on Friday, April 12th. If you know of any that might be interested in coming to Trinity next year, please have them contact the school for a tour or for registration assistance.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Please see Mrs. Marsh to sign up for the Razorback Baseball game on Tuesday April 9th. The deadline to sign up in this Friday. Cost is $25.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Soccer on Thursday April 4th vs SVDP/ST. Joe's has been rescheduled to Wednesday April 24th.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Soccer for today at Owasso has been postponed. The makeup date will be announced soon.
9 months ago, Zach Edwards
Happy Easter! Click here for our April 1 - 5 newsletter: https://5il.co/2hj4v
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
The John Paul Spradlin $1,000 Memorial Scholarship is now open to any senior who graduated from Trinity! Click here for information: https://www.thinktrinity.org/page/john-paul-spradlin-memorial-scholarship
9 months ago, Trinity Catholic School