Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Trinity Beshears. Congratulations, Trinity! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Trinity Beshears
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Joey Franklin. His favorite Trinity memory was playing football for Coach Vitale. Congratulations, Joey! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Joey Franklin
We would like to invite our Trinity alums who are graduating back to Trinity to celebrate YOU! Join us on Thursday, May 19 at 2 p.m. in the Trinity gym to celebrate your achievements. We will take a group photo, have a special blessing, and you will be able to walk through the halls of your favorite junior high (now middle school)! Please wear your cap and gown. We would also like to celebrate you on our social media. Please send us an email with one of your senior pictures, your plans after high school, and one of your favorite Trinity memories. Please send this info to by May 6, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Payton Leding. Payton says she always loved Mrs. Bedell's class and how sweet and patient she was. Congratulations, Payton! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Payton Leding
Congratulations to Brody, our Trinity golfer! Brody represented us in the Arkansas/Oklahoma State Golf Tournament for the Heartland Christian Athletic Conference last month! He placed 4th out of 27 golfers, and we are very proud of him.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Brody Borengasser
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Michelle Cervantes. One of her favorite memories would be carrying flour babies around for health and meeting great people. Congratulations, Michelle! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Michelle Cervantes
We are so proud of our Trinity Tennis team! They brought home two first place and two runner up trophies! A huge thank you to the AMAZING tennis coaches at Trinity and Creekmore who put in endless volunteer hours and pour their hearts and souls into our kids. A very special shout out to Lucy Coleman and Fr. Daniel Velasco--we love you!
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
tennis 4
tennis 2
tennis 3
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Catherine Hahn. Her favorite Trinity memory is when all the students rushed onto the basketball court to celebrate after she made the winning shot against Chaffin. Congratulations, Catherine! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Catherine Hahn
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Eli Harris. One of his favorite memories from Trinity was being in band with all of his friends and being able to develop close and personal friendships with an amazing group of classmates. Congratulations, Eli! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Eli Harris
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Emily Harris. Emily's favorite memory of Trinity was the fact that classes were small and I knew everyone in my graduating class. Congratulations, Emily! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Emily Harris
Trinity Catholic School Assistant Principal Opening
over 2 years ago, Zach Edwards
Assistant Principal Opening
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor AB Sharum . Some of his favorite memories are the friends he made at Trinity that have stayed with him through high school, playing band solo, and football. Congratulations, AB! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
AB Sharum
The John Paul Spradlin Memorial Scholarship application is available now to all Trinity alumni who are graduating from high school this year. You can find the application at, under Documents in the Alumni folder, or at this link: The application deadline is May 13, 2022. You may return it by email, mail, or in person. This $1000 one time award will be given to one member of the TJH Freshman Class of 2019. Good luck!
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
grad 2022
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Rachel English. Some of her favorite memories are making skits in religion class and meeting some of her best friends. Congratulations, Rachel! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Rachel English
Happy Cinco de Mayo from Trinity!
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo 2
Cinco de Mayo 3
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Cate Albertson. One of her favorite Trinity memories is the glow in the dark pep rally. Congratulations, Cate! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Cate Albertson
Trinity would like to congratulate all of the 2022 seniors, especially our alumni from the Trinity Freshman Class of 2019. Today we honor Jordan Biddle. Some of her favorite Trinity memories are SEEP with Mrs. Giuliani, playing in the Trinity Band and the bonding that took place in the first AP World History class. Congratulations, Jordan! We are proud of you.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Jordan Biddle
We love our Trinity teachers! Thank you to our awesome hospitality committee and also to Mercy for the delicious treats.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Teacher treats
The Trinity Earth Club celebrated Earth Day by participating in the Great Arkansas Cleanup this past Saturday.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Earth Club
Earth Day 2022
To commemorate Holy Week, Senor Ordonez's Spanish classes are decorating the sidewalk with chalk "carpets"--in honor of the procession of Christ to the cross.
over 2 years ago, Karen Hollenbeck
Semana Santo carpets
Semana Santo carpets