Trinity families, we have football fundraiser ticket selling opportunities this weekend in Charleston at Sacred Heart on Sunday 7:30am and 10:30am. Then we have another opportunity at Sacred Heart on Saturday at 6:00pm and Sunday at 10:00am.
If you would like to sign up to sell at any of those Masses, please call the office at 479-782-2451. If you need additional tickets to take for sales, we can send those home with your student.
Football fundraiser is our only required fundraiser for all families. If you have any questions about the fundraiser please call the office.
Thank you
Several items are going fast on the Tailgate Trinity silent auction. Don't miss out of some great student center items and fun ways to support the school.
5) There will be no time Thursday morning to setup lockers.
School starts tomorrow!!!
Last minute reminders:
1) Students should be in uniform. We highly discourage students from wearing jackets or hoodies with the high temperatures we are experiencing.
2) The drive is one way coming in from Albert Pike and exiting on 46th street both morning and afternoon. Students should be dropped enter at the main entrance to the school.
3) Students should bring their lunch or order using their EZ lunch account. Lunch must be ordered no later than 8:30am each day. You can order for several days in advance if you choose.
4) We will be attending Mass for the Holy day tomorrow.
5) There will not be time Monday morning to setup lockers, but you may stay until 4:00 tomorrow to setup your locker if needed.
See you tomorrow!
Click here for Trinity volunteer opportunities!
Tailgate Trinity:
Thursday Aug 15th is the 1st day of school. We are very excited to get started. A few notes:
1) Students should be in their school uniform, we will start regular Thursday spirit days the next week.
2) Remember that the drive is one way with the entrance being Albert Pike and exit 46th street in the morning and afternoon.
3) Boys should have their back to school haircuts with it off the collar and completely out of their eyes, girls should not have unnaturally colored hair.
4) Drop off is at the school lobby, not the gym.
5) School starts at 8:00am and ends at 3:25pm.
6) Lunches can be ordered on EZ lunch or bring a brown bag. Canes will be the Thursday vendor starting the 1st day of school.
See you soon!!!
The band will perform a short concert tonight at 7:30 as their summer band camp concludes. All are welcome to attend.
Open house is today from 5:00-7:00. Parent information meetings will be in the gym starting at 5:30(English) and 6:30(Spanish). Parent information packets and football fundraiser tickets will be in the lobby of the school starting at 5:00. Please bring your students medicine to the school lobby to be secured for the school year. Mrs. Woodham, our new school nurse, will be there to answer questions and take all student medicines.
Click here for the August 12th-16th newsletter!
Open house is Sunday from 5:00-7:00.
Parent information meetings will be in the gym starting at 5:30(English) and 6:30(Spanish). Parent information packets will be in the lobby of the school starting at 5:00. Please bring your students medicine to the school lobby to be secured for the school year. Mrs. Woodham, our new school nurse, will be there to answer questions and take all student medicines.
St. Boniface is allowing Trinity families to sell Football Fundraiser tickets after each Mass this weekend. Mass times are Saturday at 4:00(English), Sunday 8:00am (Spanish), 10:00am (English), 1:00pm (Spanish).
You can get your tickets or extra tickets from the office today.
We could use 3-4 families at each Mass time. If interested, please contact Mrs. Garcia in the office. 479-782-2451
Click here for Tailgate Trinity volunteer opportunities!
The Trinity office will be closed Monday Aug 5 from 10:00-12:00 for training.
Click here for our August 5-9 newsletter! Also, our Trinity e-mail is working again!
Trinity Families and Staff, our Trinity emails are currently down. If you have sent an email today, it was not received. If it is an emergency please call the office at 479-782-2451. We will let you know as soon as it is working again. Thank you!
Just a few hours left to order your official Tailgate Trinity t-shirt! Orders must be in by 10:00 am Friday, August 2nd. Remember, students that order the shirt can wear it to school on Friday August 16th. And we hope everyone will wear it to Tailgate Trinity!! Payment link:
Click here to order your official Tailgate Trinity t-shirt! Order by this Friday, August 2nd. Remember, students that order the shirt can wear it to school on Friday August 16th. Payment link:
Click here to order your Tailgate Trinity t-shirt! Order by this Friday, August 2nd. Payment link:
You are invited to our Trinity Open House! Click here for the invitation:
Also, New Student Orientation on Tuesday, August 13th has been moved to 12:30-3:30 due to the Chamber breakfast that morning. You can RSVP to both on our Facebook page!
Happy Summer! Click here for our 2024-2025 school supply list: