The silent auction ends today. Get your bids in. Thank you for supporting Trinity. Https://
Visit our website for our August 28-September 1 newsletter!
The Gala committee is looking for a few parent volunteers to help with cleanup Saturday night from 10:00pm - approx. 12:00. If you can assist, please call the office for more information.
Location - ACHE Research Institute. The address is 1000 Fianna Way, Fort Smith
We are still in need of a CDL bus driver for away football games, please contact Coach Meares at 479-650-1522. This could count toward you parent volunteer hours or paid. Thank you!!
Another round of new items added to the Gala silent auction. Don't miss out! Https://
There is also still time to get your tickets. Use the link below to buy them today.
We only have a few hundred football fundraiser tickets still available in the office to sell. If you plan to sell more, please let us know so we can send those home with your student.
Don't forget all families that have returned at least 10 tickets by Thursday Sept. 7th will be entered into a drawing for $200 cash!
We need a 3 parent volunteers to help Virginia Ricketts finish cooking and cleaning for the Gala desserts in the Trinity kitchen Saturday from 1:00 - 4:00. If you can help please call the office 479-782-2451.
If any parents have a CDL and could help drive a bus to activities this year, please contact Coach Meares at 479-650-1522.
Thank you!!
New silent auction items! Support your Trinity Buffaloes!
More parent volunteer opportunities.
Trinity's largest fundraiser is just 3 days away! Tickets are still available online at
Parents, also please consider dropping off wine to the school office for the wine pull. Donate 2 bottles of wine and get 1 PPH!!
We look forward to seeing you at the Trinity Gala this Saturday, 6pm!
New items added daily to the Gala silent auction. We thank you for your support!
Thank you to everyone that sent in football fundraiser tickets the past two days. Please continue to send those in if they are sold so we can get them entered into the database. If you need additional tickets to sell, please call the office and we will send those home with your student. There is still a little over two weeks before the season begins.
After discussions with Moffett schools, the football game scheduled for Tuesday Aug. 22nd has been rescheduled to Thursday Oct. 5th at 5:30pm. We did not want to put the safety of our students, staff or parents at risk with the extreme heat we are experiencing this week.
Football practice ends at 3:25 each day this week due to the heat.
Happy Monday morning Trinity parents! The Trinity Gala is just 5 days away and we want you to be there! Please get online today to purchase your tickets and/or table...
In addition, we are in need of wine for the Wine Pull. Please consider dropping off a bottle of wine (to the school office) valued at $20 or more. Parents will receive 1 volunteer hour for every bottle of donated wine.
The Trinity Gala is our school's largest fundraiser! The money raised has allowed us to provide upgrades to our campus like security and safety features, chromebooks, new desks, and more!
Thank you for supporting our school! We look forward to seeing you this Saturday, 6pm at the Gala.
Tailgate Trinity was a great success Saturday. Thank you to everyone that volunteered, performed and attended.
The Trinity Gala is Saturday from 6-11. Tickets can be purchased in the office or online. The silent auction is live and new items are being added daily. You can still send in donations for the silent auction in exchange for service hours.
Please start sending in sold football fundraiser tickets and money to the office so they can be entered into the database. There are still tickets available to sell. You can pick those up in the office or call the office and we will send them home with your student.
Finally, we are monitoring the heat and will have more info about the football game Tuesday night soon.
The Gala Silent Auction is up and running. Lots of fun items for students like Students take over the school. On Sept 28th, your student could be their favorite teacher for the day. Each teacher will be replaced with a student and the fun will begin!!! This includes Dc Brown, Mr Edwards and Mrs Rinke!
We need a couple more to help cook tomorrow morning at 7:00am and cleanup at 11:00. If you can help please call the office at 479-782-2451.
Thank you
If you would like to sell football fundraiser tickets at St Boniface this weekend after Mass we have spots open Sunday at 8:00am and 1:00pm for Spanish Mass and 10:00am for English Mass. Call the office to sign up.
Si le gustaria vender tickets de football en St. Bonifacio este fin de semana despues de misa tenemos lugares habiertos Domingo a las 8am y 1:00pm en las misas de Español y 10:00am ''en La de Ingles.
Llame a la oficina
We have two parent volunteer opportunities this weekend at Tailgate Trinity. We need six adults to help cook food with Mr. Russ Bragg starting at 7:00am down at the Trinity football field.
Then we need another group of 8-10 parents to help with cleanup from 11:00-12:30. If you would like to volunteer for either of those shifts, please contact the office at 479-782-2451.