Reminder: Ads for the Basketball Activity Program are due today! You can purchase an ad for your student or business. All ads that were in the Football Activity Program will also appear in the Basketball Program. You can send your form to the office with payment or you can email the information and send in payment. Contact Ann Hill at with questions.
about 2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Monday Nov 4th, all 6th grade students will be going to Crystal Bridges for a field trip. Lunch will be provided for students. Please cancel your school lunch for Monday. All 6th grade students will need to be at school at approximately 7:15am and on the bus by 7:30am. The bus will return before school is dismissed. Students will need to be in their school uniforms. There is rain in the forecast so rain coats are suggested.
about 2 months ago, Trinity School
Click here for our November 4-8 newsletter!
about 2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
This is just a test. Please disregard this text as only a test.
about 2 months ago, Zach Edwards
Games will end in 15 minutes. All students should be picked up by 8:30.
about 2 months ago, Trinity School
We hope to see you there!
about 2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Ads for the Basketball Activity Program are now available! You can purchase an ad for your student or business. All ads that were in the Football Activity Program will also appear in the Basketball Program. Deadline for the ad is Monday, Nov. 4th. You can send your form to the office with payment or you can email the information and send in payment. Contact Ann Hill at with questions.
about 2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Monday Nov 4th, all 6th grade students will be going to Crystal Bridges for a field trip. Lunch will be provided for students. All 6th grade students will need to be at school and on the bus by 7:30am. The bus will return before school is dismissed. Students will need to be in their school uniforms.
about 2 months ago, Zach Edwards
If you are interested in joining our Whitney's Race team, please use this link. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Click here for our October 29-November 1 newsletter! Reminder: No school tomorrow for staff development.
about 2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Trinity cross country teams will run tomorrow at 11:00 and 11:30, but there will be high school races prior to that starting at 9:40. This event is hosted at Trinity, but an HCAA State meet so they set the prices for admission and Trinity passes can not be accepted. Adults are $10 and all others $5. Cash only. We hope that you will come see our teams run in their final race of the year!
about 2 months ago, Zach Edwards
We are still looking for a few more adult volunteers for the HCAA Cross Country meet tomorrow. If you can help, please sign up using the link below.
about 2 months ago, Zach Edwards
Trinity is hosting the HCAA State Cross Country meet Friday. We need a few adult volunteers throughout the day to help run the event. Please use the signup link below if you can help. Thank you
about 2 months ago, Zach Edwards
Parent teacher conferences Tuesday Oct. 22 and Thursday Oct. 24. Trinity will have early dismissal both days at 1:30. Conferences will be from 2:00 - 5:30 both days. Report cards will be picked up in the school lobby.
2 months ago, Zach Edwards
Click here for our October 21-25 newsletter!
2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
We will be host IC and CTK tomorrow for the Million Children Pray the Rosary and a short pep rally. Students are asked to wear Blue or White Trinity spirit shirts with uniform bottoms. Lunch will be provided for all students. Parents are welcome to attend the rosary and pep rally beginning approximately 9:30 at the football field. Students may bring a towel or blanket to sit on.
2 months ago, Trinity School
Trinity will have a team for Whitney's Race on Saturday, November 9th. To raise money we will have a tag free dress day on Friday, October 18th. Students are encouraged to wear purple and will order on the EZ App. Click here to donate and/or to join our team. The contest ends November 1st.
2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Cross country is finished please come pick up your student if they ran or stayed to watch.
2 months ago, Trinity School
Click here for our October 14-18 newsletter!
2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
We are looking for volunteers for the Million Child Rosary on Thursday, October 17. Click here to sign up:
2 months ago, Trinity Catholic School