Spirit week day one theme is PJ's. Students should still be in regular shoes, slippers are not allowed. Have fun with the theme for each day, but please do not ruin it for everyone by breaking the rules.Tag day guidelines still apply unless otherwise stated. Don't forget to order your lunch for the week!
3 months ago, Trinity School
Click here for our October 7-11 newsletter! https://5il.co/2y9z2
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Click here for our TCS Spirit Week dress up days, sponsored by TCS Student Council! https://5il.co/2y6bc
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
spirit week
The gym will be closed until 7:50 this morning. All students should come to the main entrance and wait for the 7:50 bell today.
3 months ago, Trinity School
Reminders: 1) It's already time for haircuts for many boys. Hair should be out of the eyes, natural colors and boys should not have designs shaved into the head. Also boys are not allowed to have facial hair. 2) School ends at 3:25. Unless a student has an after school activity that day, they should be picked up by 4:00. Trinity does not have an after school care program. 3) School begins each day at 8:00. Students arriving after 7:55 have difficulty making it to 1st period on time. This results in missed class time while getting a tardy slip and will result in additional consequences after multiple tardies. This does not include late arrival due to Dr. appointments. 4) As temperatures begin to fall, please remind your student to bring an approved hoodie or jacket to school. Students still must have their uniform shirt under their hoodie. Thank you parents for you help with these reminders.
3 months ago, Zach Edwards
FOOTBALL FUNDRAISER HIGH & LOW SCORESHEET 2024 WEEK 4 HIGH POINTS COMB. TICKET # NAME AMOUNT 534 CK> 119 An Nguyen $500.00 1657 GK> 118 Kristi Kindrick $250.00 2779 K%> 117 Janet Seaton $100.00 2719 KT> 115 Savannah Palmer $50.00 LOW POINTS COMB> TICKET # NAME AMOUNT 2153 DJX 29 Mandy Becker $75.00 4350 JQX 29 Suzanne McCarthy$75.00 4602 DQX 29 Brian Francis $75.00 1796 DJQ 30 Luis Lopez $25.00
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
The volleyball games tonight should be done at 6:45, please be here to pick up your student. Thank you
3 months ago, Trinity School
There will be a parent LEGO Robotics meeting on Wednesday at 5:15. Students will get signed up for their LEGO accounts and there will be a snack sign up sheet. If you can't make it, please reach out to Mrs. Walker at mwalker@thinktrinity.org. Thank you!
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Monday night we will celebrate our 8th grade volleyball players before the Varsity game. Please join us at the game and fill the gym up for their last home game at Trinity.
3 months ago, Trinity School
Click here for our September 30-October 4, 2024 newsletter! https://5il.co/2xsaq
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Last Call for Yard Signs! Orders are due by Friday, Oct. 4th. Payment must accompany the order. You may send the form to the office with payment. Questions?? Contact Mrs. Hill - ahill@thinktrinity.org - https://5il.co/2xkyj
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
yard signs
Reminders: See you at the Pole is tomorrow morning at 7:30. We hope to see you there! We will celebrate the end of testing with an Ice Cream Social on Thursday! Click here to donate toppings: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/409094EAAAD2AA7FA7-51413391-student
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
You may have noticed our new cross walk at the main entrance to the school. As you are dropping off student or picking up your student, please do not block the crosswalk by stopping to load or unload. Thank you!
3 months ago, Zach Edwards
Students will be taking the NWEA Map test this week. Please make sure your Chromebooks are charged each day, you get plenty of sleep and a good breakfast. Students that miss a test will make up later in the week and the following week. Also remember to order your lunches for the week.
3 months ago, Trinity School
Click here for our September 23-27 newsletter! https://5il.co/2x8qr
3 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
Football is in the final minutes. Please make sure your student is picked up in a timely manner.
4 months ago, Trinity School
4 months ago, Trinity School
Congratulations to our week 2 winners! FOOTBALL FUNDRAISER HIGH & LOW SCORESHEET 2024 WEEK 2 HIGH TICKET # COMB. POINTS NAME AMOUNT 2854 ADV 116 Tom Rhoads $500.00 918 AVY 111 Tonia Fry $175.00 2940 AQV 111 Fr. Joseph Chan $175.00 2848 AVX 109 Fnu Jayadi $50.00 LOW TICKET # COMB. POINTS NAME AMOUNT 1024 EJN 19 Normajean Hensley $75.00 3662 EJS 19 Jason Forsey $75.00 4052 EJR 19 Javier Aleman $75.00 640 EJ! 22 Blake Palmer $20.00 1443 EJO 22 Frank Sprick III $20.00 2774 EFJ 22 Bailey Palmer $20.00
4 months ago, Trinity Catholic School
The volleyball game is nearing an end. Please make sure your student is picked up in a timely manner.
4 months ago, Trinity School
Trinity has lost power due to a power line issue near 46th Street. OG&E is here working to resolve the issue asap, but our phone lines will be down until the power is restored. Thank you
4 months ago, Trinity School