The volleyball game is nearing an end. Please make sure your student is picked up in a timely manner.
Trinity has lost power due to a power line issue near 46th Street. OG&E is here working to resolve the issue asap, but our phone lines will be down until the power is restored.
Thank you
OGE is here working on the power.
Also have students check their Chromebooks. Sophie Bradney is missing her Chromebook from Mr Tomlin room.
Click here for our September 16-20 newsletter!
The game has ended please make sure your student is picked up in a timely manner.
Trinity football!
Parent volunteer opportunity tomorrow for help with the Friday lunch and for future Friday's.
Please call the office to volunteer.
Trinity Volleyball Live Feed!
Trinity YouTube Channel arriving the football game.
Volleyball games will be ending in approximately 15 minutes. Please make sure your student is picked up in a timely manner.
Thank you!
Click here for our September 9 - 13 newsletter!
Thursday is spirit wear. Uniform bottoms with spirit tops. The theme at the game will be Patriotic. Lets fill the stands tomorrow night and cheer on our Buffs!
We are in need of a few more volunteers for the game tomorrow.!/showSignUp/60B084CA5A922A6FF2-44993652-football
We are just over 24 hours away from the $200 cash drawing for Football Fundraiser tickets. If you have your required 10 tickets returned by tomorrow you will be in the drawing. We will gladly take them this afternoon as pickup and again tomorrow morning at drop off.
Trinity is working establish a live stream on Youtube for activities and athletics. Please subscribe to our channel to help us get started.
Volleyball games will finish in 10 minutes. Please make sure your student is picked up on time.
Don't forget to send in those sold football fundraiser tickets with money.
If you have additional tickets past your required 10 that are unsold please return those as we families that are still selling tickets and are in need of additional tickets. We are out of tickets at the school to send home at this time.
Thank you!
We hope that everyone has had an enjoyable three day weekend! Couple reminders coming back to school.
1) Return sold football fundraiser tickets with money. Those that have turned in their 10 ticket minimum by Thursday will be in a drawing for $200 cash.
2) Order lunch for the week.
3) Charge Chromebooks for school.
4) Tuesday is free dress for August and September birthdays. Come to the office to get your stamp. Parents may also bring lunch for August and September birthdays.
Click here for our September 3-6 newsletter! Happy Labor Day weekend!
Labor day weekend is a great time to sell your football fundraiser tickets. We have a few left in the office if you would like to get some more for the weekend. Friday Sept. 6th is the last day to turn in tickets that will count for all 18 weeks. But you can continue to sell tickets that will be eligible to win for future weeks.
Families with their minimum of 10 tickets sold and returned with money by 2:30 Thursday Sept. 5th will be entered in a $200 cash drawing.